
We depend on donations to keep our infrastructure running, show your support by donating! After donating, you can submit your donation voucher through the form below, and we will give you a certain amount of extra points to express our gratitude!In fact, the points you get through the daily check-in button of the forum are already enough for your daily point consumption, but in order to thank you for your generous donation, we will give you the points of the donation amount *100!

Donation Amount:
$ 10

Limited by our region, our paypal account cannot be applied to the donation payment method, you can donate by transferring money directly through the receiving link. After transferring the funds, you can submit your donation information in the form below.

Submit donation information:

Tips: After the successful donation, the administrator will review it at the working day! If you have any questions or suggestions in the use of the process, You can contact us by email [email protected]
